08 Oct

There are different benefits that one could acquire from mediation. You also will find that the collaborative law also have the same benefits as well. Some of the benefits of mediation are as follows:

Avoid Going to Court

Clients in mediation usually don't go to court. After the case, the mediator will handle all the paperwork and will file it with the court. The judge then reviews and sign the judgement. Depending with the jurisdiction of the judge, you still may need to make a court appearance in order to tell the court what the agreement is or that you have agreed on the mediated agreement which was reached.

Agreements are Fast

The litigated cases could reach about six months to several years. Also, the nationwide budget have cut of some courts to reduce staff and also cut the number of days that they are open, which means that it will take much longer for you to get to court. With mediation on the other had, it could occur on your timeline and could be done much faster which usually just takes several months or less.

Gaining Control

Clients on mediation could decide on the terms of the agreement through the mediators assistance. There's no final agreement unless both of the parties will reach to an agreement. Mediation will allow you in removing the possibility where a judge will lorde something which you think makes no sense.

Costs are Reduced

With the traditional litigation process, you will see that it can be really expensive and the overall cost is also unpredictable. Another thing is that litigation clients usually need to pay the fees of the attorney on the other side. Mediation costs on the other hand are much less expensive because you are able to spend time working to resolve the case than having to file motions. Also, mediation costs are predictable because you are present most of the time when the mediator will spend on your case. Check out this divorce mediation checklist or read more about mediation in business.

Client Satisfaction

Mediation clients have high satisfaction levels for both the mediation and mediated agreements that are reached upon. Though some litigation clients are satisfied with the outcome, they're not totally satisfied because of the cost, stress and the uncertainty with litigation. Also, when one litigant is happy, the other party is surely unhappy with the outcome.

Privacy is Maintained

Mediation is actually a private process to where it only takes place in the office of a mediator or perhaps in a lawyers office than doing it in a public courtroom. Mediation clients are also allowed to decide what will be put in the paperwork.  Continue reading more on this here: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/j-richard-kulerski/what-most-people-dont-kno_b_1220249.html.

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